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What is the Writer Highway?

The Writer Highway is a programme of support for people who love creative writing and wish to progress at their own pace, giving themselves and their writing more time and space.


It offers a variety of writing courses with excellent tuition and guidance,

and one to one coaching packages.


Booking a place on a Writer Highway course or coaching package entitles you to automatic membership of the Writer Highway. This brings with it acess to a number of social and performance events, opportunities and resources. Here, you can find your own place in a nurturing and vibrant writing community.

See more about the Writer Highway offer here.

About: About Us

Who We Are

The Writer Highway was founded and is directed by Cathy Grindrod, who is the main Writer Highway Course Tutor and Coach, currently assisted by Carol Rowntree-Jones and occasional guest tutors.

Cathy is a poet, playwright and non-fiction writer from Derbyshire, former Derbyshire Poet Laureate, and awarded an honorary MLitt for her work improving wellbeing through writing. She has twenty years experience in facilitating creative writing with many diverse groups.

More information about Cathy can be found here.


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The Writer Highway Mission

The Writer Highway is built on the fundamental truth that being a writer is as much about courage, self-belief, and enjoyment of process, practice and engaging with others as it is about learning craft, technique and ways of sharing

or publishing your writing.

Every writer has their own criteria for ‘success’ and the Writer Highway aims to treat all writers as unique individuals on a personal journey of their own making. To this end, in everything the Writer Highway does, the five principles of wellbeing are embedded,  enabling all members to connect, be active, continue learning, give to others and to observe their environment closely in order to write well.

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The Writer Highway Partners

The Writer Highway has so far worked in close partnership with Nottingham’s Theatre Royal and Royal Concert Hall, and has also formed partnerships for particular courses and workshops with Writing East Midlands and Nottingham Writers’ Studio. They have recently also entered new partnerships with Five Leaves Boookshop and the University of Nottingham's Lakeside Arts Centre.

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