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Writing Poetry


18 September to 27 November

Fortnightly on Wednesdays: 10.30 am - 12.45 pm

(online via Zoom)



Facilitator: Cathy Grindrod for 5 sessions, guest poet for 1 session


* Reduced fee places available on request
for those in genuine need.


Dates: 18 Sept, 2, 16 and 30 Oct,
13 and 27 Nov

A group for poets who wish to practise and share their poetry in a supportive environment. Sessions will include writing in response to both free verse and 'form' poems, developing work in progress and sharing our poems for feedback in small groups. We will also discuss aspects of poetry, which will include beginning to explore different routes to
poetry publication.




To book your place, see below.


How to Book

If you are interested in a place on a Writer Highway course, please use the "Book your place" button to go to our contact form.

If you sign up to receive the Writer Highway newsletter, you will be alerted when new courses come online. There is always high demand for course places so if courses are full, please contact The Writer Highway to join our mailing list. Should any places become available we will be able to let you know.

Booking opens for each term’s courses on week 9 of the previous term. To avoid disappointment, please sign up for The Writer Highway newsletter so you can be kept informed of new courses and dates.

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